Our Program

Jubilee Co-operative Preschool has been specially designed from scratch to reach children in creative ways.

We go beyond conventional classroom practices to spark enthusiasm and growth. Expectations are high. Some of our techniques are unusual.

We treat our teachers as professionals. We find, hire, and train master educators who show creativity, energy, intelligence, reliability, patience, and kindness.

Our classrooms have no more than 10 children each, supervised by a professional teacher. In addition, teacher assistants, educational specialists, and our director float through our classrooms helping out.

We have a special system that moves children through different rooms throughout the week, allowing them to experience varied spaces that focus on specific kinds of play and learning. In the company of their familiar teachers and all of their classmates, our students rotate through these four spaces:

  • A Romp Room where children dance, play physical games, explore music, rhythm and dramatic play.

  • A Maker Room that provides rich opportunities for children to build and create things, in the process actively developing knowledge of colors, numbers, letters, raw materials, and construction techniques.

  • A Words Room which features a deep inventory of quality literature, a full schedule of read-aloud time, one-on-one reading, storytelling through puppets, and audio recordings.

  • A Studio where the creative process is valued by exploring many art mediums and techniques all while providing ample opportunity for fine motor development.

  • Our Outdoor Room (under construction) is a large enclosed courtyard stocked with gym equipment, play vehicles, child-size buildings, trees, flowers, edible gardens, sand, water. It’s a high-adventure learning space, not just a recess yard.

We believe children need chances to explore widely and play hard.

We avoid ruts, stale routines, and boredom—which smother educational excitement.

High-quality music is used extensively to set moods and differentiate learning spaces. Rooms are stocked with quality toys and learning materials. And all rooms are managed with an emphasis on safety and sanitation.

The variety of environments provides all types of learners with their moment in the sun. There are opportunities for physical learning, oral learning, music and song, exploring literature, and open-ended hands on creativity and construction.

This Preschool could be the beginning of your Jubilee journey!

Our sister school, Meeting Street-Jasper & Beaufort, provides a high-quality free public education to elementary aged children, eventually all the way to high school graduation. Parents who are interested in extending what their children learn at the Jubilee Preschool by continuing on to elementary grades at the Meeting Street-Jasper & Beaufort Charter School will get our guidance and help.